"Bollo Lane", Acton Town, London. Image made by Pixelflakes in collaboration with HOK.
Preparing project scenes and creating xref files of context, assets and main geometry was a big aspect of my job as an intern. I would act the 3d supporter and prepare the project, lay the 3d base, for the artists to then be able to focus on individual camera views and compositions in their shots. Pixelflakes are work with both close up imagery and larger scales such as aerials, were this kind of preparation comes in great handy.
Exporting/Importing the recieved main geometry between softwares, preparing the same for 3ds Max, placing it correctly into context and texturing the model accordingly would often be the first of tasks.
Then using high resolution maps the next step, and the most fun if you ask me, would be to start creating the environment and context of the scheme. Google street view acting as a great guide for creation of the existing environment on site my fellow interns and I would start modelling the context of existing architecture, vegetation, infrastructure and populate with human presence adding streetscape, traffic, people interacting etc.
The same would also be prepared for the added/new landscape and context for the development of the scheme, following client specifics in varying degree firm or loose and open for free interpretation. A similar process would also take place in project with interior shots.
As an example: "Bollo Lane" is such a project were my roll was to act 3d support and preparer of the project scenes. Together with a fellow intern my responsibility was to creat context vegetation, modelling of existing architecture, creation of new context /landscape of new development, prepare and texture the main geometry and populate the scheme with human presence using/modelling streetscape, adding traffic, people interaction etc.